About Us
Redwood Project Services, Inc. works alongside and in partnership with our clients to delivery quality work and ensure satisfaction.

About Us
Redwood Project Services, Inc. works alongside and in partnership with our clients to delivery quality work and ensure satisfaction.
Project Scheduling
Reliable and accurate scheduling can eliminate and mitigate many risks that may arise in a project. Redwood Project Services’ main goal when it comes to scheduling is to improve the allocation of materials and resources within a project. In that way, any potential delays can be avoided and a better communication between all the different parties will be solidified.
Analysis of the Project
First action is the clarification of the different objectives and limitations for your upcoming project. This will provide a better idea of what you want to achieve and who exactly do you need in order to do it.
Monitor Cost
As soon as the project kicks-off, it’s very important and essential to keep an eye on project costs. The sooner this starts, the better; it will allow your team to detect any potential misuses of resources before it’s too late.
Industry Experience
Sewer Rehab, Stormwater Protection, Aviation, Heavy Civil Construction, High Voltage Electrical Construction, Electrical Construction (vertical building), Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Telecommunications.


Contact Now !
Brandon Spearman, Sr., PSP (President)
- (404) 360-0224
- RedwoodProjectServices@outlook.com